How can you solve a problem without clearly knowing what the problem is? Understanding the TB-epidemic, specifically within national borders, is the starting point from which National TB-programs (NTPs) can jump into action. KNCV provides technical assistance to NTPs in actively fighting the TB-epidemic, but first it is crucial to develop a clear picture of the scale of the problem. TB Prevalence studies are executed by testing random members of the population for latent and active TB in order to build a representative sample from which to understand the prevalence of TB in the country. Handling, organizing and analyzing large amounts of often inconsistent data can be a Herculean task. KNCV’s focus on innovation and practical solutions has led to the exclusive use of digital health methods in prevalence studies. This ensures consistent results and preemptively negates difficulties with storing and analyzing data. By capitalizing on innovations in ICT, like smartphones and tablets, KNCV can rapidly execute prevalence studies and build a better understanding of the status of the tuberculosis epidemic in a country. KNCV is delighted to announce that the government of Swaziland has requested KNCV to execute a Global Fund-financed prevalence study in Swaziland over the coming months. We will soon be updating you with on-the-ground stories to paint a picture of the experience of participating in such an operation.