Launch of the first Guideline for nursing support for people treated for TB and TBI in the Netherlands

Although tuberculosis (TB) is not as prevalent in the Netherlands as it once was, it remains a disease that still needs our attention. Yearly around 700 people are diagnosed with TB in the Netherlands. Today we are launching the first guideline for nursing support for people treated for TB and TB infection (TBI) in the Netherlands.


The Netherlands has a strong system for TB prevention and care, with nursing support playing a crucial role since the mid-20th century. Nursing support is key in ensuring that patients receive the necessary care and guidance throughout their treatment journey. Yet, without clear, evidence-based guidelines, this support varied across regions, potentially affecting consistency and quality. The launch today of a structured, evidence based, guideline is a crucial step forward as it provides a transparent and transferable framework for TB and TB infection (TBI) care.

About the guidelinesRichtlijn - verpeegkundige zorg bij behandeling en begeleiding van tbc en tbc-infectie 2025

The development of this guideline for nursing care started back in 2020 and came to conclusion this year. This activity was funded by ZonMw and commissioned by V&VN (Verpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland). The guideline was developed by KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation with support from Pallas Health Research and Consultancy, and in collaboration with the professional organizations V&VN and VvAwT (Vereniging van Artsen werkzaam in de Tuberculosebestrijding) and TB survivors.

This new guideline for TB nursing support in the Netherlands not only helps safeguard expertise and maintain high-quality care but also strengthens the role of healthcare professionals working on TB by offering them a reliable foundation for their work. By committing to standardized, high-quality nursing support, the Netherlands reinforces its leadership in TB prevention and care. It ensures that patients receive optimal care while also contributing to the global effort to end TB.

With globalization and increased mobility, the risk of TB transmission persists, and complacency could allow the disease to regain a stronger foothold. Continued investment in TB prevention, treatment, and professional training, also in low prevalence countries as the Netherlands, remains essential to keeping the disease under control and ultimately eradicating it.

To access the guideline for nursing support for people treated for TB and TBI in the Netherlands, click here.

KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.

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