It’s that time of the year again: World TB Day 2025!
This year, our message on a very relevant topic: global funding crisis, opportunities and action points!
Tuberculosis (TB) can be ended and we have the tools! Today, Gidado Mustapha, KNCV’s Executive Director, urges national leaders to “prioritize TB as a public health and economic emergency.”
Today’s call is for funding mechanisms, donors, international organizations working on global health, private sector, national TB programs, and all interest-holders to:
- commit to ending TB in our lifetime;
- invest in universal healthcare and prioritize ending TB; and
- deliver person-centred TB care and prevention!
As the ongoing global health funding crisis has exposed the fragility of external dependence, this is a demand for a decisive leadership to tackle the TB epidemic. The mission of national leaders in high TB burden countries is to build sustainable domestic funding schemes and nurture political commitment to ensure that TB remains as a key indicator for universal health coverage.
Watch the full video below and join our call to ending TB in our lifetime!
Yes, we can end TB if you COMMIT. INVEST. DELIVER.
Join us, donate here and help stop tuberculosis!
World TB Day 2025!