The Global Fund is the world’s largest health fund. Through this fund, countries with more resources support the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria in countries with fewer resources. The Global Fund strengthens healthcare systems, saves millions of lives, and increases protection against diseases, both in the Netherlands and elsewhere. Moreover, it contributes to economic growth, both in the Netherlands and globally.
This fall, the Global Fund is seeking funding for the next three years during the so-called replenishment conference. This funding is essential to continue its crucial work. On Wednesday, April 2, the Dutch Parliament will debate the future of development cooperation. This debate is an important moment for MPs to urge the government to continue investing in successful and life-saving funds like the Global Fund.
Here are five key reasons why the Netherlands should continue supporting the Global Fund:
1.The Global Fund is one of the greatest successes in the history of international cooperation:
The Global Fund was established in 2002 when diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria seemed unstoppable. The fund helped turn the tide. Since then, 25 million people with HIV have gained access to life-saving medication, and 7.1 million people have received treatment for tuberculosis. In total, the Global Fund has saved over 65 million lives since its inception — that’s 3.5 times the entire population of the Netherlands! The Global Fund is highly effective and successful because it purchases medicines on a large scale, significantly reducing their cost. As a result, life-saving medicines reach millions more people for the same amount of money.
2.The Global Fund protects people’s health worldwide—including in the Netherlands:
Communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria do not stop at national borders. The Global Fund invests one-third of its funding in strengthening healthcare systems. This helps low- and middle-income countries better prepare for new pandemics, such as mpox or COVID-19. By tackling diseases where they are most prevalent, we not only protect the health of people in those regions but also in the Netherlands. Because we are only truly safe when everyone is.
3.Investing in the Global Fund means investing in the economy:
Diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria often affect young people—the very group that helps build an economy through work. Instead, they are bedridden and in need of medical assistance. This hampers the economic development of the hardest-hit countries and also negatively impacts Dutch businesses that trade with countries supported by the Global Fund. Health economists estimate that for every euro invested in the Global Fund, a return of €19 is generated.
4.Supporting the Global Fund also supports Dutch businesses:
The Dutch business sector is a global leader in healthcare innovation. Companies such as Delft Imaging, which produces portable X-ray devices using AI to diagnose tuberculosis, and I+ Solutions, which supports the Global Fund with procurement processes, play crucial roles. The Global Fund is an indispensable client for many of these companies. If the Netherlands and other countries cut funding for the Global Fund, it will also impact our own business sector.
5.Dutch support is needed more than ever as other donors withdraw their health funding:
More and more countries are drastically cutting back on international cooperation or eliminating their support entirely. For decades, Dutch organizations, scientists, and businesses have played a decisive role in the fight against HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. If other countries stop supporting this global fight, Dutch investments become more critical than ever. These budget cuts are already causing massive disruptions in the supply of life-saving medicines. The consequences for global health and the economy are enormous and will impact not only affected countries but also donor countries like the Netherlands.
Thus, investing in the Global Fund is a smart and impactful choice – one that protects lives, strengthens global and local economies, and ensures a healthier and safer future for everyone, including the Netherlands.