KNCV TA approaches include:
- Defining a framework for a surveillance and health information systems with potential linkages to national systems (such as DHIS2), as well as strengthening community-led health surveillance using mobile tools;
- Development and implementation of Digital Adherence Technologies (DAT’s) for patients and healthcare providers;
- Strengthening diagnostic networks through ICT-enhanced laboratory connectivity systems (and sample transportation);
- Building data visualization pipelines and platforms for country program monitoring.
Expected results: Evidence-based, people-centered digital health solutions are available and targeted to support TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care, as well as TB program management and strategic planning.
Digital Health Solutions Thematic Areas
1. Development of context-specific packages for digital adherence support:
Technical Expert(s): Kristian van Kalmthout ( and Rachel Powers (
2. TA for design and implementation of eHealth and health solutions for sample transportation networks:
Yayasan KNCV Indonesia (YKI), one of KNCVs network offices developed, piloted and implemented a digital sample transportation system called SITRUST (Information System for TRacking Specimen Transport). SITRUST is a custom build and flexible mobile application and web platform that facilitates sample transportation, digital tracking of samples and test result communication. Health facilities without diagnostic testing capacity (such as GeneXpert) package and register samples in the application that are ready for transportation. Digital test results from Xpert can be automatically transferred to the SITRUST application for timely and accurate communication to health care workers that requested the test and the patient by SMS and in-app notifications. In addition to Indonesia, KNCV is currently working in both Ethiopia and India to customize SITRUST in order to fit the in-country setting. Multiple country utilizing the SITRUST platform benefits all countries, as new features and functionalities specifically developed for a project or country will be made available for all countries using the platform.
Technical Expert: Job van Rest (
3. TA for design, (further) development and strengthening of electronic health information systems based on or interoperable with DHIS2
As part of the People Centred Framework for TB programming for the development of optimized National Strategic Plans (PCF4NSP) project led by the Health Systems Solution Task Force, we have designed and developed a data visualization tool. The data visualization tool is a comprehensive dashboard built for countries to collate, analyse their data to support the identification of gaps and prioritization of interventions for program planning and implementation monitoring. Using the PCFNSP dashboard, countries will have consistent data to use in the PCF and efficient processes that allow them to focus more time on reviewing and interpreting the data for decision making, rather than cleaning and organizing data. This dashboard is now being adapted to work with DHIS2 and other relevant global databases
4. TA for design and development of Mobile and digital solutions for education, TB screening and support for health care workers and communities
KNCV Nigeria, one of KNCVs network offices, with technical support from HQ, has designed and developed a hotspot and service area mapping using routine TB surveillance data and readily accessible geodatabases. This is being used to facilitate more impactful community TB case-finding activities while ensuring patient-centeredness and providing TB screening opportunities. Hotspots for TB such as local high risks groups, key populations, contacts of index TB cases, are identified using an onion model approach for mapping and active contact investigation. This approach can easily be adapted and packaged for use in other countries.
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