Op de 45e Union World Conference on Lung Health van 28 oktober – 1 november 2014 in Barcelona, organiseerde KNCV Tuberculosefonds – en namen wij ook deel aan – een groot aantal vergaderingen, workshops en symposia, en poster presentaties.
Voor een overzicht van alle bijeenkomsten waar KNCV Tuberculosefonds bij betrokken was, klik hier (pdf).
De posterpresentaties zijn hieronder te downloaden (als pdf of jpg):
- Community involvement in raising awareness about tuberculosis among Somalian population
- Lessons learned from TB patients’ evaluation program performance in Kazakhstan
- Effectiveness of introducing of Xpert MTB/RIF for individuals at risk for TB and MDR TB in Kazakhstan
- Capacity building on PMDT for Eastern Africa Countries -Center of excellence on PMDT in Rwanda
- Evaluation of routine contact investigation in Ethopia: a missed opportunity in preventing chilhood TB
- Compliance to National TB guidelines on diagnosis, treatment & reporting by medical doctors in Namibian private health sector
- A cross-sectional study of factors associated with tuberculosis diagnostic delay for smear microscopy in Namibia
- Nigeria Innovative approaches for increased case finding: the role of house to house screeing in TB case finding
- Training and Support improve TB referral of youth by teachers North Western Nigeria
- Tuberculosis control in security challenged States of north-east Nigeria. Are there significant impacts?
- Decentralization of Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) Services in Nigeria: Lessons learnt
- TB case finding in the prison: using health system strengthening approach (Nigeria)
Foto’s van de KNCV/TB CARE I /Challenge TB stand tijdens de 45e Union Conferentie in Barcelona: