Overview of KNCV Publications by year
Publications 2025
- McQuaid CF, Clark RA, White RG, Bakker R, Alexander P, Henry R et al. Estimating the epidemiological and economic impact of providing nutritional care for tuberculosis-affected households across India: a modelling study. Lancet Glob Health. January 14, 2025.
- Sumner T, Clark RA, Prys-Jones TO, Bakker R, Churchyard G, White RG. The potential impact of new tuberculosis vaccines on the burden of tuberculosis in people with HIV in South Africa. AIDS 2025.
Publications 2024
- Nwokoye N, Ihesie A, Olabamiji J, Ochei K, Eneogu R, Odume B et al. Exploring the perspectives of healthcare workers and Program managers on the use of Truenat as a new tool for TB and DR-TB diagnosis in Nigeria: A qualitative study. PLoS One. December 30, 2024.
- Pelzer PT, Stuck L, Martinez L, Richards AS, Acuña-Villaorduña C, Aronson NE, Bonnet M, Carvalho AC, Chan PC, et al. Effectiveness of the primary Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine against the risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis disease: a meta-analysis of individual participant data.The Lancet Microbe. December 19, 2024.
- Jaganath D, Nabeta P, Nicol MP, Castro R, de Haas P, Tiemersma E, et al. Stool processing methods for Xpert Ultra testing in childhood tuberculosis: A prospective, multi-country accuracy study. CM. medRxiv December 18, 2024. (PRE-PRINT)
- Goscé L, Tadesse AW, Foster N, van Kalmthout K, van Rest J, van der Wal J, Harker MJ, Madden N, Abdurhman T, Gadissa D, Bedru A, Dube TN, Alacapa J, Mganga A, Deyanova N, Charalambous S, Letta T, Jerene D, White R, Fielding KL, Houben RM, McQuaid CF. Modelling the epidemiological and economic impact of digital adherence technologies with differentiated care for tuberculosis treatment in Ethiopia. BMJ Glob Health. 9(12):e016997. December 9, 2024.
- Ihesie A, Chukwuogo O, Eneogu R, Daniel OK, Agbaje A, Odume B et al. Acceptance and Completion Rates of 3-Month Isoniazid-Rifampicin (3HR) Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT) Among Contacts of Bacteriologically Confirmed TB Patients-Patients’ and Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives. Trop Med. Infect Dis. December 7, 2024.
- Odume B, Ogbudebe C, Mukadi Y, Dim C, Chukwu E, Chukwuogo O et al. The burden of subclinical TB in Nigeria. Public Health Action. December 1, 2024.
- Shewamene Z, Belachew M, Shiferaw A, De Groot L, Sahlie M, Gadissa D et al., Facilitators and barriers to uptake of digital adherence technologies in improving TB care in Ethiopia: A qualitative study. PLOS Digit Health. November 21, 2024.
- Wares DF, Mbenga M, Mirtskhulava V, Quelapio M, Slyzkyi A, Koppelaar I, Cho SN, Go U, Lee JS, Jung J-K, Everitt D, Foraida S, Diachencko M, Juneja S, Burham E, Totkogonova A, Myint Z, Flores I, Lytvynenko NA, Parpieva N, Nhung NV & Gebhard A. Introducing BPaL: Experiences from countries supported under the LIFT-TB project. PLoS ONE 19(11): e0310773. November 19, 2024.
- Carratalà-Castro L, Munguambe S, Saavedra-Cervera B, de Haas P, Kay A, Marcy O, Nabeta P, Ssengooba W, Ghimenton-Walters E, Acácio S, Bonnet M, Ehrlich J, DiNardo AR, Vasiliu A, Lange C, Hermans S, Mandalakas AM, López-Varela E, García-Basteiro AL, on behalf of the Stool4TB Global Partnership. Performance of stool-based molecular tests and processing methods for paediatric tuberculosis diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Microbe 100963. November 11, 2024.
- Pelzer PT, Holleman M, Helinski MEH, Weinberg AL, Buis J, Beattie P, Nyirenda T, van Rest J, Voss G. The TB vaccine clinical trial centre directory: An inventory of clinical trial centres in Sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS ONE 19(10): e0292981. October 28, 2024.
- Sumner T, Clark RA, Prys-Jones TO, Bakker R, Churchyard G, White RG. The potential impact of new TB vaccines on the burden of TB in people living with HIV in South Africa. AIDS. October 11, 2024.
- Hermans N, de Zwaan R, Mulder A, van den Dool J, van Soolingen D, Kremer K, Anthony R. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex sample processing by mechanical lysis, an essential step for reliable whole genome sequencing. Journal of Microbiological Methods, Volume 227,2024. October 10, 2024.
- Spruijt I, Verhage A, Procee F, Vrubleuskaya N, Mulder C, Akkerman O. Perceptions and clinical practices associated with post-TB health and well-being in the Netherlands. IJTLD Open. 1(10):480-482. October 1, 2024.
- Ihesie A, Nwokoye N, Olabamiji J, Ochei K, Eneogu R, Nongo D, Babayi A, Olugbemiga R, Odume B, Agbaje A, Oyelaran O, van Germert W, Mupfumi L, Amos O, Emeka E, Anyaike C, Ossai EN. Perceived ease of use of Truenat among laboratory staff as a new diagnostic tool for TB in Nigeria: Result of a pilot roll-out. PLOS Glob Public Health. 4(9):e0003652. September 20, 2024.
Salazar-Austin N, Bergman AJ, Mulder C, Tudor C, Mulatu F, Conradie G, Chaisson RE, Golub JE, Churchyard G, Bedru A and Kerrigan D. Improving access to tuberculosis preventive treatment for children in Ethiopia: designing a home-based contact management intervention for the CHIP-TB trial through formative research. BMC Health Serv Res 24, 1043. September 10, 2024
- Eneogu R, Olabamiji J, Ihesie A, Nwokoye N, Ochei K, Nwadike P, Salau O, Munguno Z, Odume B, Agbaje A, Nongo D, Oyelaran O, van Germert W, Mupfumi L, Emeka E, Anyaike C, Ossai EN. Impact of Truenat on TB diagnosis in Nigeria. Public Health Action. 14(3):124-128. September 1, 2024.
- Tesema E, Biru M, Leta T, Kumsa A, Liaulseged A, Gizatie G, Bogale T, Million M, Datiko DG, Gebreyohannes A, Molla Y, Hiruy N, Mbenga M, Suarez PG, Dememew ZG, Jerene D. Drug-resistant tuberculosis care and treatment outcomes over the last 15 years in Ethiopia: Results from a mixed-method review of trends. PLoS ONE 19(8). August 26, 2024.
- Buis JS, Jerene D, Gebhard, A, Bakker R, Majidulla A, Kerkhoff AD, Limaye RJ, Pelzer PT. Mapping the existing body of knowledge on new and repurposed TB vaccine implementation: A scoping review. PLOS Glob Public Health 4(8): e0002885, August 22, 2024.
- Gonçalves Tasca B, Mganga A, Leung CL, Shilugu L, Pell C, Onjare B, Luvanda N, Mleoh L, de Groot L,van Kalmthout K, Fielding K, Jerene D. Factors related to the utilization of digital adherence technologies in tuberculosis care: A qualitative study among adults in DS-TB treatment, health care providers and other key actors in Tanzania. PLOS Glob Public Health. August 8, 2024.
- Lienhardt C, Dooley KE, Nahid P, Wells C, Ryckman TS, Kendall EA, Davies G, Brigden G, Churchyard G, Cirillo DM, Di Meco E, Gopinath R, Mitnick C, Scott C, Amanullah F, Bansbach C, Boeree M, Campbell M, Conradie F, Crook A, Daley CL, Dheda K, Diacon A, Gebhard A, et al. Target regimen profiles for tuberculosis treatment. Bull World Health Org. 102(8):600-607. August 1, 2024.
- Myrzaliev B, Ahmatov M, Duishekeeva A, Kulzhabaeva A, Kadyrov A, Toktogonova A, Abdulaeva G, Wares DF, Mirtskhulava V, Mbenga M, Slyzkyi A, Foraida S, Diachenko M, Juneja S, Turdumambetova G, Musaeva A, Gebhard A. Experiences in the introduction of bedaquiline pretomanid linezolid for drug-resistant tuberculosis in Kyrgyzstan. J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis. 36:100472. July 26, 2024.
- Leung CL, Alacapa J, Tasca BG, Villanueva AD, Masulit S, Ignacio ML, Uy KN, Pell C, van Kalmthout K, Powers R, Fielding K, Jerene D. Digital Adherence Technologies and Differentiated Care for Tuberculosis Treatment and Their Acceptability Among Persons With Tuberculosis, Health Care Workers, and Key Informants in the Philippines: Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR Hum Factors 2024;11:e54117, July 23, 2024.
- Kobamo MM, Bekele FB, Simachew Y, Abebe MT, Abore KW. Self-care practice and associated factors among patients with diabetes on follow-up at Yirgalem General Hospital, Sidama, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. BMC Endocr Disord. July 11, 2024.
- Gerste AK, Majidulla A, Baidya A, Pelzer PT, Jerene D, Buis JS et al. Lessons from a decade of adult vaccine rollout in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review. Expert Rev Vaccines 2024.
- Tunje A, Persson HA, Jerene D, Hallstrom I. Intervention fidelity and factors affecting the process of implementing a mobile phone text messaging intervention among adolescents living with HIV: a convergent mixed-methods study in southern Ethiopia. BMJ Open. July 3, 2024.
- Kohler S, Achar J, Mulder C, Sitali N, Paul N. Trends in the availability and prices of quality-assured tuberculosis drugs: a systematic analysis of Global Drug Facility Product Catalogs from 2001 to 2024. Global Health 20, 51. June 25, 2024.
- Macdonald SH, France NF, Hodgson I, Ali F, Dewi C, Runtu YM, Juan A, Sugiharto J, Byrne E, Conroy RM et al. Piloting “From the Inside Out” – a toolkit addressing tuberculosis-related self-stigma. BMC Glob Public Health. June 1, 2024.
- Deribew AA, Dememew ZG, Alemu KM, Tefera G, Negash SG, Woldegiorgis AG et al. TB-related catastrophic costs in Ethiopia. Public Health Action. June 1, 2024.
- Gordon I, Odume B, Ogbudebe C, Chukwuogo O, Nwokoye N, Useni S, Gidado M et al. Perception, acceptability and challenges of digital adherence technology among TB healthcare workers. Public Health Action. June 1, 2024.
- Ogbudebe C, Odume B, Gordon I, Chukwuogo O, Nwokoye N, Gidado M et al. Appraising perception, accessibility and uptake of DAT among patients with TB. Public Health Action. June 1, 2024.
- van der Westhuizen H, Nice JA, Tudor C, Liu Y, Ahmedov S, Kansal AR, Jensen PA, Vincent RL, Mustapha G, Vauhkonen V, Ochoa Delgado IM, van der Walt M, Volchenkov G. Embracing novel thinking to safeguard against airborne pathogens in indoor spaces. IJTLD Open;1(6):239-241. June 1, 2024.
- Amofa-Sekyi M, Schaap A, Mureithi L, Kosloff B, Cheeba M, Kangololo B, de Haas P et al. Comparing patterns of recent and remote Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection determined using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus assay in a high TB burden setting. PLOS Glob Public Health. May 20, 2024.
- Gebreegziabher SB, Ashuro AA, Kumssa TH, Teferi MY, Alemayue EA, Shagre MB et al. Tuberculosis preventive treatment uptake among people living with HIV during COVID-19 period in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a retrospective data review. BMC Infect Dis. May 17, 2024.
- Nwokoye N, Odume B, Nwadike P, Anaedobe I, Mangoro Z, Umoren M, Ogbudebe C, Chukwuogo O, Useni S, Nongo D, Eneogu R, Elom E, de Haas P, Gidado M. Impact of the Stool-Based Expert Test on Childhood Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Selected States in Nigeria. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis., May 1, 2024.
- Hansen MA, Lekodeba NA, Chala L, Leong R, Keller S, Spruijt I et al. Cost of SARS-CoV-2 self-test distribution programmes by different modalities: a micro-costing study in five countries (Brazil, Georgia, Malaysia, Ethiopia and the Philippines). BMJ Open. April 17, 2024.
- Schievano F, Mwamwitwa KW, Kisenge S, Mmari E, Duga A, Elagbaje C et al. Development, assessment and educational impact of a blended e-learning training program on pharmacovigilance implemented in four African countries. Front Med. April 17, 2024.
- Yenew B, de Haas P, Babo Y, Diriba G, Sherefdin B, Bedru A, Tegegn B, Gudina T, Getahun T, Abdella S, Jerene D, Klinkenberg E, Tiemersma E, Dememew ZG, Mengesha E, Sahile M, Zerihun B, Amare M, Tesfaye E, Meaza A, Slyzkyi A. Diagnostic accuracy, feasibility, and acceptability of stool-based testing for childhood tuberculosis. ERJ OPEN, April 11, 2024.
- Mbenga M, Slyzkyi A, Mirtskhulava V, Pak S, Gebhard A, Utepkalieva G, Sagimbekova A, Adenov M, Ryskulov G. Decentralised ECG monitoring for drug-resistant TB patients in ambulatory settings. IJTLD OPEN, April 1, 2024, pp. 192-194(3)
- Dixit K, Rai B, Aryal TP, de Siqueira-Filha NT, Levy JW, van Rest J et al. Stigma, depression, and quality of life among people with pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed through active and passive case finding in Nepal: a prospective cohort study. BMC Glob Public Health. March 24, 2024.
- Allwood B.W, Nightingale R, Agbota G, Auld S, Bisson G.P, Byrne A, Dunn R, Evans D, Hoddinott G, Gunther G, Islam Z, Johnston J.C, Kalyatanda G, Khosa C, Marais S, Makanda G, Mashedi OM, Meghji J, Mitnick C, Mulder C . et al. Perspectives from the 2nd International Post-Tuberculosis Symposium: mobilizing advocacy and research for improved outcomes . IJTLD OPEN, March 1, 2024, pp. 111-123(13)
- Houben RMGJ, McCaffrey T, Tiemersma EW , Khan PY. Estimating TB survival-mind the immortal-time gap . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2024.
- Sumner T, Clark RA, Mukandavire C, Portnoy A, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R et al. Modeling the health and economic impacts ofM72/AS01E vaccination and BCG-revaccination: Estimates for South Africa .Vaccine. 2024.
- Bada FO, Blok N , Okpokoro E, Dutt S, Akolo C, Dakum P et al. Cost comparison of nine-month treatment regimens with 20-month standardized care for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant/multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Nigeria . PLoS One. 2020.
- Assefa DG , Dememew ZG, Zeleke ED, Manyazewal T, Bedru A . Financial burden of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment for patients in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis . BMC Public Health. 2024.
- Eneogu RA, Mitchell EMH, Ogbudebe C , Aboki D, Anyebe V, van der Grinten E et al. Iterative evaluation of mobile computer-assisted digital chest x-ray screening for TB improves efficiency, yield, and outcomes in Nigeria . PLOS Glob Public Health. 2024.
- Sumner T, Clark RA, Mukandavire C, Portnoy A, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R et al. Modelling the health and economic impacts ofM72/AS01E vaccination and BCG-revaccination: Estimates for South Africa. Vaccine. February 27, 2024
- De Groot LM , Shearer K, Sambani C, Kaonga E , Nyirenda R, Mulder C . Health care providers acceptance of default prescribing of TB preventive treatment for people living with HIV in Malawi: a qualitative study . BMC Health Serv Res. Jan 4, 2024.
- Clark RA, Sumner T, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R , Scriba TJ, White RG. Estimating the Potential Public Health Value of BCG Revaccination . J Infect Dis. 2024.
- Mitchell E, Adejumo OA, Abdur-Razzaq H, Ogbudebe C, Gidado M . The role of trust as a driver of private provider participation in disease surveillance: Cross-sectional survey from Nigeria . JMIR Public Health Surveillance. 2024.
- Stuck L, Klinkenberg E, Abdelgadir Ali N, Basheir Abukaraig EA, Adusi-Poku Y, Tiemersma E et al. Prevalence of subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in community settings: an individual participant data meta-analysis Lancet Infect Dis. 2024.
- Tadesse AW, Mganga A , Dube TN, Alacapa J, van Kalmthout K, Jerene D et al. Feasibility and acceptability of the smart pillbox and medication label with differentiated care to support person-centered tuberculosis care among ASCENT trial participants – A multicountry study . Public Health Front. 2024.
- Sturm PDJ, Hermans NTH , van der Zanden AGM, Peters CJA, Schülin T. Ampicillin susceptibility testing of Haemophilus influenzae in the routine clinical laboratory by the EUCAST methodology compared to broth microdilution and the presence of ftsI gene mutations . Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024.
Publications 2023
- Hai Viet Nguyen, Tiemersma E , Nhung Viet Nguyen, Hoa Binh Nguyen, Cobelens F. Disease transmission by subclinical tuberculosis patients . Clin Infect Dis. 2023.
- Spruijt I , Erkens C , Greenaway C, Mulder C , Raviglione M, Villa S et al. Reducing the burden of TB among migrants to low TB incidence countries . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2023;27(3):182-188.
- Mleoh L, Mziray SR, Tsere D, Koppelaar I, Mulder C , Lyakurwa D. Shorter regimens improved treatment outcomes of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Tanzania in 2018 cohort . Trop Med Int Health. 2023;28(5):357-366.
- Chukwuogo O, Odume B, Ogbudebe C, Useni S, Nwokoye N, Dim C et al. Strategic approach to optimization of TB contact investigation in Nigeria . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2023;27(2):161-163.
- Ogbudebe C , Jeong D, Odume B , Chukwuogo O , Dim C, Useni S et al. Identifying Hot Spots of Tuberculosis in Nigeria Using an Early Warning Outbreak Recognition System: Retrospective Analysis of Implications for Active Case Finding Interventions . JMIR Public Health Surveillance. 2023.
- Getachew E, Adebeta T, Muzazu SGY, Charlie L , Said B, Tesfahunei HA et al. Digital health in the era of COVID-19: Reshaping the next generation of healthcare . Front Public Health 2023.
- Portnoy A, Clark RA, Quaife M, Weerasuriya CK, Mukandavire C, Bakker R , et al. The cost and cost-effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study . PLoS Med. 2023.
- de Haas P , Nhung NV, Hng NT, Hoà NB, Loan NB, Thanh NTK et al. Introduction of the Simple One-Step stool Xpert Ultra method to detect TB in children and adults . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2023;27(1):19-27.
- Noorizhab MNF, Zainal Abidin N, Teh LK, Tang TH, Onyejepu N, Sheshi MA et al. Exploration of the diversity of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Lagos, Nigeria using WGS: Distribution of lineages, drug resistance patterns and genetic mutations . Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2023.
- Jerene D, Levy J, van Kalmthout K, Rest JV, McQuaid CF, Quaife M et al. Effectiveness of digital adherence technologies in improving tuberculosis treatment outcomes in four countries: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial protocol. BMJ Open. 2023.
- Clark RA, Mukandavire C, Portnoy A, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R, Scarponi D et al. The impact of alternative delivery strategies for novel tuberculosis vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study. Lancet Glob Health. 2023.
- Ruperez M, Shanaube K, Mureithi L, Wapamesa C, Burnett MJ, de Haas P et al. Use of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing for screening of tuberculosis in the community in high-burden settings: a prospective, cross-sectional study in Zambia and South Africa. Lancet Glob Health 2023 11(5).
- Foster N, Tadesse AW, McQuaid CF, Gosce L, Abdurhman T. Evaluating the equity impact and cost-effectiveness of digital adherence technologies with differentiated care to support tuberculosis treatment adherence in Ethiopia: protocol and analysis plan for the health economics component of a cluster randomised trial. Trials. 2023;24(1):292.
- Assefa DG, Bedru A, Zeleke ED, Negash SE, Debela DT, Molla W et al. Efficacy and safety of different regimens in the treatment of patients with latent tuberculosis infection: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Public Health. 2023;81(1):82.
- Odume B, Useni S, Efo E, Dare D, Aniwada E et al. Spatial Disparity in Availability of Tuberculosis Diagnostic Services Based on Sector and Level of Care in Nigeria. Journal of Tuberculosis Research 2023; Vol.11 No.1.
- Zenner D, Brals D, Nederby-Öhd J, Menezes D, Aldridge R, Anderson S et al. Drivers determining TB disease screening yield in four European screening programmes: a comparative analysis. Eur Respir J. 2023.
- de Groot LM, Dememew ZG, Hiruy N, Datiko DG, Gebreyes SN, Jerene D et al. Effect of multicomponent interventions on tuberculosis notification in mining and pastoralist districts of Oromia region in Ethiopia: a longitudinal quasi- experimental study. BMJ Open. 2023.
- Portnoy A , Clark R , Weerasuriya CK, Mukandavire C, Quaife M, Bakker R et al. The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccines on health equity and financial protection in low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Glob Health 2023;8(7).
- Yenew B, de Haas P, Diriba G, Kebede A, Sherefdin B, Demissie Y et al. Optimization of the Simple One-Step Stool Processing Method to Diagnose Tuberculosis: Evaluation of Robustness and Stool Transport Conditions for Global Implementation. Microbiol Spectr. 2023.
- Malhotra A, Nonyane BAS, Shirey E, Mulder C, Hippner P, Mulatu F, Pragmatic cluster-randomized trial of home-based preventive treatment for TB in Ethiopia and South Africa (CHIP-TB). Trials. 2023.
- Mengesha MM, Teshome A, Ajema D, Tura AK, Jerene D. The association between HIV diagnosis disclosure and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among adolescents living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systemetic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2023
- Chibolela M, de Haas P, Klinkenberg E, Kosloff B, Chunda-Liyoka C, Lungu P et al. Use of stool swabs in molecular transport media increases access to Xpert Ultra testing for TB in children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2023.
- Babo Y, Seremolo B, Bogale M, Bedru A, Wabe Y, Churako H et al. Comparison of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Results of Stool and Sputum in Children with Presumptive Tuberculosis in Southern Ethiopia Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023.
- Kadyrov M, Thekkur P, Geliukh E, Sargsyan A, Goncharova O, Kulzhabaeva A et al. Contact Tracing and Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy for Household Child Contacts of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in the Kyrgyz Republic: How Well Are We Doing. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023.
- Isah AO, Opadeyi AO, Tumwijukye H, Cobelens F, Smith D, Tiemersma E et al. Funding and financial sustainability of pharmacovigilance: suggested models for funding pharmacovigilance in resource-limited African countries. Ther. Adv. Drug Saf. 2023.
- Odume B, Sheshi M, Chukwuogo O, Sani U, Ogbudebe C, Aniwada E et al. Drug resistant tuberculosis treatment service alignment with health seeking behaviour in selected states in Nigeria. J. of Public Health and Epidemiol. 2023.
- Radtke K, Hill J, Schoenmakers A, Mulder C, van der Grinten E, Overbeek F. Predicted Pharmacokinetic Interactions between hormonal contraception and single or intermittently dosed Rifampicin. J Clin Pharmacol. 2023.
- Nguyen HV, Brals D, Tiemersma E, Gasior R, Nguyen NV, Nguyen HB, Van Nguyen H, Le Thi NA, Cobelens F. Influence of Sex and Sex-Based Disparities on Prevalent Tuberculosis, Vietnam, 2017-2018. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023.
- Gurung S, Dixit K, Paudel R, Sah M, Levy J, van Rest J et al. Comparing Additionality of Tuberculosis Cases Using GeneXpert or Smear-Based Active TB Case-Finding Strategies among Social Contacts of Index Cases in Nepal. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023.
- Scarponi D, Iskauskas A, Clark RA, Vernon I, McKinley TJ, Bakker R et al. Demonstrating multi-country calibration of a tuberculosis model using new history matching and emulation package-hmer. Epidemics. 2023.
- Reid M, Agbassi YJP, Arinaminpathy N, Bercasio A, Bhargava A, Gidado M et al. Scientific advances and the end of tuberculosis: a report from the Lancet Commission on Tuberculosis. Lancet 2023.
- Babayi AP, Odume BB, Ogbudebe CL, Chukwuogo O, Nwokoye N, Dim CC et al. Improving TB control: efficiencies of case-finding interventions in Nigeria. Public Health Action. 2023.
- Spruijt I, Nazir M, Villanueva A, Jansen N, Huitema I, Fiekert K. Respected but stigmatized: Healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients. PLoS One 2023.
- Dodd PJ, McQuaid CF, Rao P, Abubakar I, Arinaminpathy N, Fiekert K et al. Improving the quality of the Global Burden of Disease tuberculosis estimates from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Int J Epidemiol. 2023.
- Guzman K, Crowder R, Leddy A, Maraba N, Jennings L, Onjare B et al. Acceptability and feasibility of digital adherence technologies for drug- susceptible tuberculosis treatment supervision: A meta-analysis of implementation feedback. PLOS Digit Health 2023.
- Madybaeva D, Duishekeeva A, Meteliuk A, Kulzhabaeva A, Kadyrov A, Shumskaia N et al. Together against Tuberculosis”: Cascade of Care of Patients Referred by the Private Health Care Providers in the Kyrgyz Republic. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023.
- Kyrbashov B, Kulzhabaeva A, Kadyrov A, Toktogonova A, Timire C, Satyanarayana S et al. Time to Treatment and Risk Factors for Unsuccessful Treatment Outcomes among People Who Started Second-Line Treatment for Rifampicin-Resistant or Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023.
- Shanaube K, Schaap A, Mureithi L, Amofa-Sekyi M, Paulsen R, de Haas P et al. The impact of a combined TB/HIV intervention on the incidence of TB infection among adolescents and young adults in the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial communities in Zambia and South Africa. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023.
- Clark RA, Weerasuriya CK, Portnoy A, Mukandavire C, Quaife M, Bakker R et al. New tuberculosis vaccines in India: modelling the potential health and economic impacts of adolescent/adult vaccination with M72/AS01E and BCG-revaccination. BMC Med. 2023.
- Portnoy A, Arcand JL, Clark RA, Weerasuriya CK, Mukandavire C, Bakker R et al. The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccine introduction on economic growth in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study. PLoS Med. 2023.
- Abebaw Y, Abebe M, Tola HH, Mehammed Z, Getahun M, Yirgu H et al. Pulmonary tuberculosis case notification and burden of drug resistance among children under 15 years of age in Ethiopia: sub-analysis from third-round drug resistance tuberculosis survey. BMC Pediatr. 2023.
- Amofa-Sekyi M, Schaap A, Mureithi L, Kosloff B, Cheeba M, de Haas P et al. Prevalence and risk factors of M tuberculosis infection in young people across 14 communities in Zambia and South Africa. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023.
- Wada FW, Mekonnen MF, Sawiso ED, Kolato S, Woldegiorgis L, Biru M et al. Bacterial profile and antimicrobial resistance patterns of infected diabetic foot ulcers in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2023.
- Haile H, Tema L, Anjulo A, Temesgen Z, Jerene D. Pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by pneumothorax, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the settings of advanced HIV disease: A case report. J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis. 2023
- Klinkenberg E, Floyd S, Shanaube K, Mureithi L, Gachie T, de Haas P et al. Tuberculosis prevalence after 4 years of population-wide systematic TB symptom screening and universal testing and treatment for HIV in the HPTN 071 (PopART) community-randomised trial in Zambia and South Africa: A cross- sectional survey (TREATS). PLoS Med. 2023.
- Sahal MR, Senelle G, La K, Panda TW, Taura DW, Guyeux C et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex drug-resistance, phylogenetics, and evolution in Nigeria: Comparison with Ghana and Cameroon. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2023.
- Tadesse AW, Cusinato M, Weldemichael GT, Abdurhman T, Assefa D, Yazew H et al. Risk factors for poor engagement with a smart pillbox adherence intervention among persons on tuberculosis treatment in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2023.
- Clark RA, Portnoy A, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R, Sumner T, Harris RC et al. The potential health and economic impacts of new tuberculosis vaccines varying delivery strategies in Delhi and Gujarat, India: a modelling study. MedRxiv, 2023.
- Tesema E, Dememew ZG, Datiko DG, Gebreyohannes A, Molla Y, Jerene D et al. Descriptors of multidrug-resistant TB deaths in Ethiopia. Public Health Action. 2023.
- Mallari EU, Keller S, Febre JF, Timbol J, Powers R, Peregrino RR et al. Feasibility and acceptability of COVID-19 self-testing in the Philippines. Public Health Action. 2023.
- Ogoamaka C, Bethrand O, Lotanna U, Chidubem O, Sani U, Nkiru N et al. The TB Surge intervention: an optimized approach to TB case-finding in Nigeria. Public Health Action 2023.
- Emery JC, Dodd PJ, Banu S, Frascella B, Garden FL, Tiemersma EW et al. Estimating the contribution of subclinical tuberculosis disease to transmission: An individual patient data analysis from prevalence surveys. Elife. 2023.
- Gupta-Wright A, den Boon S, MacLean EL, Cirillo D, Cobelens F, Gidado M. et al. Target product profiles: tests for tuberculosis treatment monitoring and optimization. Bull World Health Organ. 2023.
- Spruijt I, Alam Y, Nguyen H, Myrzaliev B, Ahmatov M, Odume B et al. Digital health solutions and integrated COVID-19 and TB services to help recover TB care and prevention services in the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive study in four high TB burden countries. PLoS One. 2023.
Publications 2022
- Clark RA, Mukandavire C, Portnoy A, Weerasuriya CK, G. White, Bakker R et al. The impact of alternative delivery strategies for novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: a modelling study. medRxiv 2022. Abstract
- Portnoy A, Clark RA, Quaife M, Weerasuriya CK, Bakker R et al. The cost and cost- effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: a modelling study. medRxiv 2022. Abstract
- Portnoy A, Arcand JL, Clark RA, Chathika K, Bakker R et al. The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccine introduction on economic growth in low- and middle-income countries. medRxiv 2022. Abstract
- Mengesha MM, Gebremichael MA, Watumo D, Hallström IK, Jerene D (2022) Poor adult tuberculosis treatment outcome and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia: An institution-based cross-sectional study. PLOS Glob Public Health 2(3) 2022. Abstract
- Tefera Belachew Agizew, Zewdu Gashu Dememew, Taye Leta, Nebiyu Hiruy, Emawayish Tesema, Degu Jerene et al. Prospects for tuberculosis elimination in Ethiopia: feasibility, challenges, and opportunities. Pan African Medical Journal. 2022;43:146. Abstract
- Mengesha MM, Gebremichael MA, Watumo D, Hallström IK, Jerene D. Poor adult tuberculosis treatment outcome and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia: An institution-based cross-sectional study. PLOS Glob Public Health 2022;2(3). Abstract
- de Haas P, Yenew B, Diriba G, Tiemersma EW, Slyzkyi A, Demissie Y et al. The Simple One-step stool processing method for detection of Pulmonary tuberculosis: A study protocol to assess the robustness, stool storage conditions and sampling strategy for global implementation and scale-up. PLoS One. 2022;17(10). Abstract
- Nicole Salazar-Austi, Christiaan Mulder, Graeme Hoddinott, Theresa Ryckman, Colleen F. Hanrahan, Kavindhran Velen, Lucy Chimoyi, Salome Charalambous and Violet N Chihota. Preventive Treatment for Household Contacts of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis Patients. Pathogens 2022, 11(11), 1258; Abstract & full paper.
- Degu Jerene, Dawid Assefa, Kalkidan Tesfaye, Samuel Bayu, Samuel Seid, Fikirte Aberra, Ahmed Bedru, et al. Effectiveness of women-led community interventions in improving tuberculosis preventive treatment in children: results from a comparative, before–after study in Ethiopia. BMJ Open 2022;12:e062298. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2022-062298. Full paper.
- Christiaan Mulder, Stephan Rupert, Ery Setiawan, Elmira Mambetova, Patience Edo, Jhon Sugiharto, Sani Useni, et al. Budgetary impact of using BPaL for treating extensively drug- resistant tuberculosis. BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e007182. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2021-007182. Full paper
Publications 2021
- Gronholm PC, Nosé M, van Brakel WH, Eaton J, Fiekert K et al. Reducing stigma and discrimination associated with COVID-19: early stage pandemic rapid review and practical recommendations. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2021 Jan 28;30:e15. Abstract
- Gronholm PC, Nosé M, van Brakel WH, Eaton J, Fiekert K et al. Reducing stigma and discrimination associated with COVID-19: early stage pandemic rapid review and practical recommendations. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2021 Jan 28;30:e15. Abstract
- Mitchell EMH, Adejumo OA, Abdur-Razza H, Ogbudebe C, Gidado M et al. Hybrid Approach to Estimation of Underreporting of Tuberculosis Case Notification in High- Burden Settings With Weak Surveillance Infrastructure: Design and Implementation of an Inventory Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2021 (7)| iss. 3 | e22352. Abstract
- Tadesse BT, Foster BA, Latour E, Lim JY, Jerene D et al. Predictors of Virologic Failure Among a Cohort of HIV-infected Children in Southern Ethiopia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Jan;40(1):60-65. Abstract
- Gurung SC, Rai B, Dixit K, Levy JW, van Rest J et al. How to reduce household costs for people with tuberculosis: a longitudinal costing survey in Nepal. Health Policy Plan. 2021 Jun 3;36(5):594-605. Abstract
- McQuaid CF, Vassall A, Cohen T, Fiekert K, White RG et al. The impact of COVID-19 on TB: a review of the data. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2021 Jun 1;25(6):436-446. Abstract
- de Vries G, van de Berg S, van Dam A, Hasanova S, Pareek M et al. Collaborative tuberculosis/HIV activities in the European Region. ERJ Open Res. 2021 Jan 18;7(1):00721- 2020. Abstract
- Lyakurwa D, Lyimo J, Mulder C, Pelzer PT, Koppelaar I et al. Assessment of training and mentoring for DR-TB care decentralization in Tanzania. Hum Resour Health. 2021 Apr 26;19(1):56. Abstract
- Jerene D, Tiberg I, Hallström I. How Can Clinical Outcomes among Adolescents Living with HIV in Ethiopia be Improved? Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives. Compr Child Adolesc Nurs. 2021 May 7:1-10. Abstract
- de Haas P, Yenew B, Mengesha E, Slyzkyi A, Gashu Z et al. The Simple One-Step (SOS) stool processing method for use with the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for a child-friendly diagnosis of tuberculosis closer to the point-of-care. J Clin Microbiol. 2021 Jun 2. Abstract
- McQuaid CF, Foster N, Quaife M, Levy J, Tadesse AW et al. Digital adherence technology for TB: focus on livelihoods as well as lives. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2021 May 1;25(5):416-417. No abstract available.
- de Vries G, Gainaru D, Keizer S, Mahler B, Radulescu I et al. Human reading versus computer automated reading of chest X-rays in a tuberculosis screening programme in Romania. Eur Respir J. 2021 Mar 10:2004628. No abstract available.
- Gurung SC, Dixit K, Rai B, Paudel PR, Levy JW et al.. Comparative Yield of Tuberculosis during Active Case Finding Using GeneXpert or Smear Microscopy for Diagnostic Testing in Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2021 Apr 14;6(2):50. Abstract
- Tesema E, Wares F, Bedru A, Negeri C, Molla Y, et al. Experiences of introducing new drugs for drug-resistant TB at the ALERT Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017–2019. Public Health Action 2021 June; 11(2): 50–52. Full paper
- Monedero-Recuero I, Gegia M, Wares F, Chadha S, Mirzayev F. Situational analysis of 10 countries with a high burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis 2 years post-UNHLM declaration: progress and setbacks in a changing landscape. IJID 2021;108: 557–567. Full paper
- Ragonnet R, Flegg JA, Brilleman SL, Tiemersma EW, Melsew YA et all. Revisiting the Natural History of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Bayesian Estimation of Natural Recovery and Mortality RatesRates. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Jul 1;73(1). Abstract
- Shiferaw MB, Amare D, Alem G, Asefa D, Klinkenberg E et al. Prevalence of active tuberculosis disease among healthcare workers and support staff in healthcare settings of the Amhara region, Ethiopia. PLoS One 2021 Jun 11;16(6). Abstract
- Churchyard G, Cárdenas V, Chihota V, Mngadi K, van den Hof S et al. Annual Tuberculosis. Suliman S, Pelzer PT, Shaku M, Rozot V, Mendelsohn SC. Meeting report: Virtual Global Forum on Tuberculosis Vaccines, 20-22 April 2021. Abstract
- Spruijt I, Joren C, van den Hof S, Erkens C et al. Tailored approaches facilitate high completion of tuberculosis infection treatment among migrants. Eur Respir J 2021. Preventive Therapy for Persons With HIV Infection: A Randomized Trial. Aug 24. Abstract
- Charlie L, Saidi B, Getachew E, Wanjiru CL, Abebe M et al. RN Programmatic challenges in managing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Malawi. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2021 Jul- Sep;10(3):255-259. Abstract
- van de Berg SEJ, Pelzer PT, van der Land AJ, Abdrakhmanova E, Ozi AM et al. Acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the novel BPaL regimen to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients. BMC Public Health. 2021 Jul 16;21(1):1404. Abstract
- Dixit K, Biermann O, Rai B, Aryal TP, Paudel PR et al. Barriers and facilitators to accessing tuberculosis care in Nepal: a qualitative study to inform the design of a socioeconomic support intervention. BMJ Open. 2021 Oct 1;11(10). Abstract
- Mehra N, Tunje A, Hallström IK, Jerene D. Effectiveness of mobile phone text message reminder interventions to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy among adolescents living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2021 Jul 22;16(7). Abstract
- Mahler B, de Vries G, van Hest R, Gainaru D, Menezes D, Popescu G, Story A, Abubakar I. Use of targeted mobile X-ray screening and computer-aided detection software to identify tuberculosis among high-risk groups in Romania: descriptive results of the E-DETECT TB active case-finding project. BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 24;11(8). Abstract
- Ngoc NB, Vu Dinh H, Thuy NT, Quang DV, Tiemersma E et al. Active surveillance for adverse events in patients on longer treatment regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Viet Nam. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9). Abstract
- Conroy O, Wurie F, Collin SM, Edmunds M, de Vries G et al. Barriers and enablers to implementing tuberculosis control strategies in EU and European Economic Area countries: a systematic review. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Sep;21(9):e272-e280. Abstract
- Van de Berg SEJ, Erkens C, Mulder C. Tuberculosis contact investigation following the stone-in-the-pond principle in the Netherlands – Did adjusted guidelines lead to improved efficiency?. Eurosurveillance 2021. Accepted for publication.
- Dixit K, Biermann O, Levy J, van Rest J, Chandra Gurung S et al. Barriers and facilitators to accessing tuberculosis care in Nepal: a qualitative study to inform the design of a socioeconomic support intervention. BMJ. 2021 Oct 1;11(10). Abstract
- Sara Suliman, Puck T. Pelzer, Moagi Shakua, Virginie Rozot, Simon C. Mendelsohn; Meeting report: Virtual Global Forum on Tuberculosis Vaccines, 20–22 April 2020. ScienceDirect. 2021, September 15; S0264-410X(21)01154-3. Full article/abstract.
- Tesema E, Wares F, Bedru A, Negeri C, Molla Y, Gemechu D, Kassa A, Tsegaye F, Taye L.; Experiences of introducing new drugs for drug-resistant TB at the ALERT Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 2017-2019; Public Health Action. 2021 Jun 21;11(2):50-52. Abstract.
- Shiferaw MB, Sinishaw MA, Amare D, Alem G, Asefa D, Klinkenberg E.; Prevalence of active tuberculosis disease among healthcare workers and support staff in healthcare settings of the Amhara region, Ethiopia; PLoS One. 2021 Jun 11;16(6):e0253177. Abstract/full article.
- Gurung SC, Dixit K, Rai B, Dhital R, Paudel PR, Acharya S, Budhathoki G, Malla D, Levy JW, et al.’ Comparative Yield of Tuberculosis during Active Case Finding Using GeneXpert or Smear Microscopy for Diagnostic Testing in Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study; Trop Med Infect Dis. 2021 Apr 14;6(2):50. Abstract.
- Lyakurwa D, Lyimo J, Mulder C, Pelzer PT, Koppelaar I, Heus M.; Assessment of training and mentoring for DR-TB care decentralization in Tanzania; Hum Resour Health. 2021 Apr 26;19(1):56. Abstract/full article.
- Gurung SC, Rai B, Dixit K, Worrall E, Paudel PR, Dhital R, Sah MK, Pandit RN, at al. How to reduce household costs for people with tuberculosis: a longitudinal costing survey in Nepal; Health Policy Plan. 2021 Jun 3;36(5):594-605. Abstract/full article.
- Petra de Haas, Bazezew Yenewb, Endale Mengeshac, Andrii Slyzkyia, Zewdu Gash, et al. The Simple One-Step (SOS) Stool Processing Method for Use with the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for a Child-Friendly Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Closer to the Point of Care. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2021, JCM. 00406-21. Abstract.
- Van de Berg S.E.J., Pelzer P.T., van der Land A.J., Abdrakhmanova E. et al. Acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the novel BPaL regimen to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients. BMC Public Health. 2021 July 16;21:1404. Full article.
Publications 2020
- Abidi S, Achar J, Assao Neino MM, Dravniece G, Makhmudova M, Myrzaliev B et al. Standardised shorter regimens versus individualised longer regimens for rifampin – or multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Eur Respir J 2020;55(3). Abstract
- Linh NN, Wares F, Cocozza AM, Uplekar M, Raviglione M. No universal access to drug-resistant tuberculosis care without engaging all health care providers. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2020 1;24(1):118-23. Abstract
- Nguyen HV, Tiemersma EW, Nguyen HB, Cobelens FGJ, Mirtskhulava V, de Haas P et al. The second national tuberculosis prevalence survey in Vietnam. PLoS One. 2020 23;15(4) Abstract
- Onazi O, Adejumo AO, Redwood L, Gidado M, Daniel OJ, Mitchell EMH. et al. Community health care workers in pursuit of TB: Discourses and dilemmas. Soc Sci Med. 2020;246:112756. Abstract
- Rai B, Dixit K, Aryal TP, Mishra G, Siqueira-Filha NT, Levy JW, Rest JV et al. Developing Feasible, Locally Appropriate Socioeconomic Support for TB-Affected Households in Nepal. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020;5(2):98. Abstract
- Adejumo OA, Olusola-Faleye B, Adepoju VA, Gidado M, Onoh MO, Adegboye O, et al. The pattern of comorbidity and its prevalence among drug-resistant tuberculosis patients at treatment initiation in Lagos, Nigeria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2020;114(6):415-423. Abstract
- Parwati CG, Farid MN, Nasution HS, Basri C, Gebhard A, Tiemersma EW et al. Estimation of subnational tuberculosis burden: generation and application of a new tool in Indonesia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020;24(2):250-257. Abstract
- Gafar F, Ochi T, Van’t Boveneind-Vrubleuskaya N, Erkens C, van den Hof S, van der Werf TS, et al. Towards elimination of childhood and adolescent tuberculosis in the Netherlands: an epidemiological time-series analysis of national surveillance data. Eur Respir J. 2020. Abstract
- Anh LTN, M V Kumar A, Ramaswamy G, Htun T, Quelapio M, Gebhard A, et al. High Levels of Treatment Success and Zero Relapse in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Receiving a Levofloxacin-Based Shorter Treatment Regimen in Vietnam. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020;5(1):43. Abstract
- Migambi P, Gasana M, Uwizeye CB, Kamanzi E, Kalisvaart N, Klinkenberg E et al. Prevalence of tuberculosis in Rwanda: Results of the first nationwide survey in 2012 yielded important lessons for TB control. PLoS One. 2020 3;15(4). Abstract
- Mekonnen A, Collins JM, Klinkenberg E, Assefa D, Aseffa A, Ameni G, et al. Tuberculosis knowledge and attitude among non-health science university students needs attention: a cross-sectional study in three Ethiopian universities. BMC Public Health 2020;20(1):631. Abstract
- Spruijt I, Haile DT, Erkens C, van den Hof S, Goosen S, Ten Kate A, et al. Strategies to reach and motivate migrant communities at high risk for TB to participate in a latent tuberculosis infection screening program: a community-engaged, mixed methods study among Eritreans. BMC Public Health 2020 12;20(1):315. Abstract
- Denholm JT, Millan-Marcelo JC, Fiekert K, Denholm JT, et al. Latent tuberculosis infection and the EndTB Strategy: ethical tensions and imperatives. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020;24(5):21-26. Abstract
- Vo LNQ, Forse RJ, Codlin AJ, Vu TN, Le GT, Levy J et al. A comparative impact evaluation of two human resource models for community-based active tuberculosis case finding in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):934. Abstract
- Ineke Spruijt, Connie Erkens, Susan van den Hof, Frank Cobelens. Comment: Latent tuberculosis screening and treatment among asylum seekers: a mixed-methods study. Eur Respir J. 2020;55(4) No abstract available
- Mulder C, Nkiligi E, Kondo Z, Scholten JN, What data to look for when using SUBsET for subnational tuberculosis incidence estimation, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020. No abstract available
- Ruda C, Wares F, Hiruy N, et al. Streamlining TB Infection Control and Intensifying TB Screening in Ethiopian Health Facilities. J Med-Clin Res & Rev. 2020;4(3): 1-5. Full article
- Erkens C, Spruijt I, van den Hof S. et al. Preventing TB among immigrants; aiming for an integrated approach to infectious diseases. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020 Jul 16;164:D4538.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020. PMID: 32757512 Abstract
- Xia H, van den Hof S, Cobelens F, Zhou Y, Zhao B, Wang S, Zhao Y.Xia H, et al. Value of pyrazinamide for composition of new treatment regimens for multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China. BMC Infect Dis. 2020;20(1):19. Abstract
- de Vries G, Commandeur S, Erkens C, Haddad W, Jansen N, Kouw P et al. Towards selective tuberculosis screening of people in prison in a low-incidence country. Eur Respir J. 2020 9;55(4):1902209. No abstract available.
- Tadesse BT, Foster BA, Latour E, Lim JY, Jerene D, Ruff A et al. Predictors of Virologic Failure Among a Cohort of HIV-infected Children in Southern Ethiopia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020. Abstract
- Ragonnet R, Flegg JA, Brilleman SL, Tiemersma EW, Melsew YA, McBryde ES, et al. Revisiting the Natural History of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: a Bayesian Estimation of Natural Recovery and Mortality rates. Clin Infect Dis. 2020:ciaa602. Abstract
- Dixit K, Rai B, Prasad Aryal T, Mishra G, Levy JW, van Rest J et al. Research protocol for a mixed-methods study to characterise and address the socioeconomic impact of accessing TB diagnosis and care in Nepal. Wellcome Open Res.2020;5:19. Abstract
- Broström S, Hallström I and Jerene D. Transitioning from child to adult-oriented HIV clinical care for adolescents living with HIV in Ethiopia: results from a retrospective cohort study. Pan Afr Med J 2020;37(13). Abstract/Full article
- Datiko DG, Jerene D, Suarez P. Stigma matters in ending tuberculosis: Nationwide survey of stigma in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):190. Abstract
- Datiko D, Hadgu A, Jerene D, Suarez PG. High urban tuberculosis case notification rates can be misleading: evidence from an urban setting in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):302. Abstract
- Dememew ZG, Jerene D, Datiko DG, Hiruy N, Tadesse A, Moile T, et al. The yield of community-based tuberculosis and HIV among key populations in hotspot settings of Ethiopia: A cross-sectional implementation study. PloS One. 2020;15(5) Abstract
- Sorsa A, Jerene D, Negash S, Habtamu A. Use of Xpert Contributes to Accurate Diagnosis, Timely Initiation, and Rational Use of Anti-TB Treatment Among Childhood Tuberculosis Cases in South Central Ethiopia. Pediatric Health Med Ther. 2020;11:153-60. Abstract
- Datiko DG, Jerene D, Suarez P. Patient and health system delay among TB patients in Ethiopia: Nationwide mixed method cross-sectional study. BMC public health. 2020;20(1):1126. Abstract
- D Habte YT, D Bekele, G Alem, D Jerene, N Hiruy, Z Gashu, et al. Factors Determining Treatment Success in Children with Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A Three-Year Retrospective Analysis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 1–5 Abstract
- Gebretnsae H, Ayele BG, Hadgu T, Haregot E, Gebremedhin A, Jerene D. et al. Implementation status of household contact tuberculosis screening by health extension workers: assessment findings from programme implementation in Tigray region, northern Ethiopia. BMC health services research. 2020;20(1):72. Abstract
- CG Edwards, F Wares, Dravniece, A. Gebhard, E Tiemersma, E van der Grinten et al. Introducing bedaquiline: experiences from the Challenge TB project. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020;24(10):1046-1053. Abstract/Full article
- Gupta RK, Calderwood CJ, Yavlinsky A, Krutikov M, Quartagno M, Erkens C et all. Discovery and validation of a personalized risk predictor for incident tuberculosis in low transmission settings. Nat Med. 2020; Dec;26(12):1941-1949. Abstract
- Adejumo OA, Daniel OJ, Adepoju AV, Femi-Adebayo T, Adebayo B et al. Challenges of Tuberculosis Control in Lagos State, Nigeria; A Qualitative Study of Health-Care Providers’ Perspectives. Niger Med J. 2020; Jan-Feb;61(1):37-41. Abstract
- Jerene D. Decentralisation and task-shifting in HIV care: time to address emerging challenges.Public Health Action. 2020; Sep 21;10(3):83. No abstract available.
- Adepoju AV, Ogbudebe CL, Adejumo OA, Okolie J, Inegbeboh JO et al. Implementation of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy among People Living with HIV in Northwestern Nigeria: Completion Rate and Predictive Factors. J Glob Infect Dis. 2020 May 22;12(2):105-111. Abstract
- Spruijt I, Haile DT, van den Hof S, Fiekert K, Jansen N, Jerene D et al. Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and stigma related to latent tuberculosis infection: a qualitative study among Eritreans in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health. 2020 Oct 23;20(1):1602. Abstract
- Adejumo OA, Bowale A, Adesola S, Adepoju VA, Shogbamimu Y, Dacosta A, Seidu L, Disu OA, Omikunle TO, Abinde O, Oshindero OA.Adejumo OA, et al. Factors associated with HIV infection among clients eccessing HIV counseling and testing services in a secondary referral hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Afr J Infect Dis. 2020 Jan 8;14(1):16-23. Abstract
- Bada FO, Blok N, Okpokoro E, Dutt S, Akolo C et al. Cost comparison of nine-month treatment regimens with 20-month standardized care for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant/multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Nigeria. PLOS ONE 2020 15(12): e0241065. Abstract
- Gurung SC, Rai B, Dixit K, Worrall E, Levy JW et al. How to reduce household costs for people with tuberculosis: a longitudinal costing survey in Nepal. Health Policy Plan. 2020 Dec 20:czaa156. Abstract
- Elliver M, Hallström I, Jerene D, Elliver M, et al. Pregnancy in women diagnosed with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in Ethiopia: a retrospective cohort study. Pan Afr Med J. 2020 Sep 29;37:101. Abstract
- Corbett C, Kulzhabaeva A, Toichkina T, Kalmambetova G, Myrzaliev B et al. Implementing contact tracing for tuberculosis in Kyrgyz Republic and risk factors for positivity using QuantiFERON-TB Gold plus. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 12;20(1):746. Abstract
- Vo LNQ, Codlin AJ, Forse RJ, Nguyen NT, Levy J et al. Evaluating the yield of systematic screening for tuberculosis among three priority groups in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Infect Dis Poverty. 2020 Dec 9;9(1):166. Abstract
- Ketema L, Dememew ZG, Assefa D, Gudina T, Bedru A et al. Evaluating the integration of tuberculosis screening and contact investigation in tuberculosis clinics in Ethiopia: A mixed method study. PLoS One. 2020 Nov 19;15(11). Abstract
- Zachariah R, Rust S, Thekkur P, Khogali M, Aseffa A et al. Quality, Equity and Utility of Observational Studies during 10 Years of Implementing the Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative in 72 Countries. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 6;5(4):167. Abstract
- Boyd AT, Odume B , Sidibe K, Onotu D, Ogbanufe O et al. Brief Report: Programmatic Scale-up of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment Among People Living With HIV Through Targeted Technical Assistance to High-Volume Antiretroviral Treatment Sites-Nigeria, 2018-2019 . J Acquir Immune Deficit Syndr. 2020 Dec 1;85(4):450-453. Abstract
- Tilahun M, Shimelis E, Wogayehu T, Assefa G, Wondimagegn G , Mekonnen A, Hailu T, Bobosha K, Aseffa A.Tilahun M, et al. Molecular detection of multidrug resistance pattern and associated gene mutations in M. tuberculosis isolates from newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. PLoS One. 2020 Aug 4;15(8):e0236054. Abstract
- Odume B , Falokun V, Chukwuogo O , Ogbudebe C , Useni S et al. Impact of COVID-19 on TB active case finding in Nigeria. Public Health Action. 2020 Dec 21;10(4):157-162. Abstract