• 11/11/2014

    Interview with Agnes Gebhard on Case finding and DOT in Vietnam.

    During the recent Union World Conference on Lung Health 2014 USAID’s CAP-TB interviewed Agnes Gebhard on “Case finding and DOT…

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  • 29/10/2014

    Maarten van Cleeff receives Karel Styblo Award

    At the Opening Ceremony of the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona, Maarten van Cleeff (MD, MSc, PhD)…

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  • 09/10/2014

    KNCV awarded USAID flagship Challenge TB program

    KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (KNCV) will be the prime partner for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in their…

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  • 28/01/2014

    Academic thesis: Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Vietnam

    On 3 February 2014 Vietnamese microbiologist Mai Nguyet Thu Huyen will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis…

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  • 23/11/2013

    EU approves urgently-needed new TB medicine

    Important advance in the battle against drug-resistant tuberculosis On Friday, delamanid, a new anti-TB drug developed by the Japanese Otsuka…

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KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.

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