Bakyt Myrzaliev is a medical doctor and a Doctor of Philosophy in TB Diagnostics and has over 20 years experience working in TB control and detection, project leadership, introduction and scale up of new drugs and treatment regimens, and management of the National Reference Laboratory in Kyrgyzstan.
Bakyt is an expert in TB diagnostics, disease control strategies, project planning, implementation and supervision, the development of infectious disease control protocols and standard operating procedures, Programmatic Management of Multidrug-Resistant TB, and TB research and data analysis. Bakt was previously the Deputy Director of the National TB Center in Kyrgyzstan and Director of Kyrgyzstan’s National Reference Laboratory as well as the Country Director in Kyrgyzstan for both the USAID funded Challenge TB project, and the USAID funded TB CARE I project.
Within KNCV, Bakyt is KNCV’s country representative in Kyrgyzstan and is responsible for planning and oversight for all of KNCV’s projects in the country. Recent projects led by Bakyt include: the introduction and countrywide scale up of the BPaL – MDR TB treatment regimen as part of the TB Alliance/KOIKA funded “LIFT TB” project, supporting private providers’ involvement to TB detection through the Stop TB Partnership funded “Together Against TB” project, and the assessment of a new handheld genetic sequencing device used for the detection and identification of infectious diseases in the (Dutch) Nationale Postcode Loterij funded, “No More Pandemics” project.
Recent publications
- Abidi S, Achar J, Assao Neino MM, Dravniece G, Makhmudova M, Myrzaliev B et al. Standardised shorter regimens versus individualised longer regimens for rifampin – or multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Eur Respir J 2020;55(3). Abstract
- Corbett C, Kulzhabaeva A, Toichkina T, Kalmambetova G, Myrzaliev B et al. Implementing contact tracing for tuberculosis in Kyrgyz Republic and risk factors for positivity using QuantiFERON-TB Gold plus. BMC Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 12;20(1):746. Abstract
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