Bethrand Odume
Executive Director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Nigeria
Bethrand Odume is the Executive Director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Nigeria and a medical doctor with over 20 years experience providing support and technical guidance on the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of TB and HIV/AIDS control programs, epidemiological research and public health innovations.
Bethrand has published extensively and developed the TB/HIV guidelines and the Workers Manual for the Nigerian National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program. Berthrand is an expert in public health research and epidemiology (primary focus on TB, HIV, TB/HIV and COVID 19), TB control, training health workers and mentoring leadership in TB, TB/HIV and HIV program interventions. Bethrand was previously a TB Program Officer with the Nigerian National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program and a Senior Program Specialist, TB/HIV, with the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Nigeria. Whilst working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Bethrand led key science research in the areas of TB, TB/HIV, and TB infection control. Bethrand is currently the Chief of Party for the USAID funded TB LON Regions 1 and 2 project across 14 states in Nigeria.
As the Executive Director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Nigeria, in addition to his work on the USAID funded TB LON project, Bethrand is the project lead for six other KNCV Nigeria projects: Digital Adherence Technology, TB Connectivity, Covid-19 Vaccination, TIFA, Jensen Paediatric TB and ACE 6 HIV. Bethrand provides high quality technical and strategic leadership, managerial oversight, and administration of the KNCV Nigeria’s projects. Bethrand also serves as the primary liaison for communication with USAID, United States Government representatives, partners, non-governmental organizations, and officials from the Federal Ministry of Health and other KNCV network partners, donors, and stakeholder representatives.
Recent publications
- Odume, B. ; Chukwu, E. ; Fawole, T. ; Nwokoye, N. ; Ogbudebe, C. ; Chukwuogo, O. ; Useni, S. ; Dim, C. ; Ubochioma,E.; Nongo, D. ; Eneogu, R. ; Lagundoye Odusote, T. ; Oyelaran, O. ; Anyaike, C. Portable digital X-ray for TB pre-diagnosis screening in rural communities in Nigeria. Public Health Action. Volume 12, Number 2, 21 June 2022, pp. 85-89(5). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5588/pha.21.0079.
- Odume Bethrand, Nkiru Nwokoye, Ineke Spruijt, Andrii Slyzkyi, Useni Sani, Ogoamaka Chukwuogo, Chidubem Ogbudebe. Diagnostic Accuracy of TB-LAMP for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Adult Presumptive TB in Nigeria. October 2021. Greener Journal of Biological Sciences 111(2):122-129.
- Tukur , B. Odume , M. Bajehson , C. Dimpka , S. Useni , C. Ogbudebe , O. Chukwuogo , N. Nwokoye , L. Dim , D. Nongo , R. Eneogu , T. Odusote , O. Oyelaran , I. Umar and C. Anyaike. Outcome of Tuberculosis Case Surveillance at Kano Central Correctional Center, North-west Nigeria: A Need for Routine Active Case Findings for TB in Nigerian Correctional Centers. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 42(18): 37-45, 2021; Article no.IJTDH.78166 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866.
- Odume, V. Falokun, O. Chukwuogo, C. Ogbudebe, S. Useni, N. Nwokoye, E. Aniwada, B. Olusola Faleye, I. Okekearu, D. Nongo, T. Odusote, A. Lawanson. Impact of COVID-19 on TB active case finding in Nigeria. Public Health Action. VOL 10 no 4 PUBLISHED 21 DECEMBER 2020.
- Andrew T. Boyd, Bethrand Odume, Kassim Sidibe, Dennis Onotu, Obinna Ogbanufe, Ifunanya Mgbakor, Mahesh Swaminathan. Programmatic Scale-up of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment Among People Living With HIV Through Targeted Technical Assistance to High-Volume Antiretroviral Treatment Sites—Nigeria, 2018–2019. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 85, Number 4, December 1, 2020.
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