Demelash Assefa has been working for KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation since April 2015 as a Regional TB Advisor of USAID/Challenge TB Project for SNNP region for one year, and as a Senior TB Advisor for Community TB Care (CTBC) and Key Affected Population (KAP) at Country office for same project for the rest of the project period (more than three years).
Since October 2019 he has been working on the ASCENT Project of KNCV-Ethiopia as a Regional Technical Officer. Demelash has 20 years of experience, from health facility to regional health bureau level. More than 14 years were on Tb and HIV programs. It includes Clinical Management of TB, DR-TB and HIV, Program Management (capacity building, guideline development, strategic planning development, monitoring and evaluation).
- Demelash Assefa has a Master’s Degree in Public Health from Haramaya University in Ethiopia and Masters; of Business Administration (Specialty Project Management) from LeadStar College of Management and Leadership.
Recent Publications
- Mekonnen A, Collins JM, Klinkenberg E, Assefa D, Aseffa A, Ameni G, et al. Tuberculosis knowledge and attitude among non-health science university students needs attention: a cross-sectional study in three Ethiopian universities. BMC Public Health 2020;20(1):631. Abstract
- Ketema L, Dememew ZG, Assefa D, Gudina T, Bedru A et al. Evaluating the integration of tuberculosis screening and contact investigation in tuberculosis clinics in Ethiopia: A mixed method study. PLoS One. 2020 Nov 19;15(11). Abstract
- Tilahun M, Shimelis E, Wogayehu T, Assefa G, Wondimagegn G, Mekonnen A, Hailu T, Bobosha K, Aseffa A.Tilahun M, et al. Molecular detection of multidrug resistance pattern and associated gene mutations in M. tuberculosis isolates from newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. PLoS One. 2020 Aug 4;15(8):e0236054. Abstract
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