Huong Nguyen is a doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and has 38 years experience in the development, implementation and evaluation of TB control programs, the design and implementation of the epidemiological studies (TB prevalence survey, TB drug resistance survey), and performing operational research in Vietnam.
Huong is an expert in TB epidemiology, TB/HIV and multidrug-resistant TB programs in Vietnam, TB infection control, and childhood TB. Previously the Technical Officer, Communicable Disease Surveillance & Response, at the WHO Office for the Western Pacific Region, based in the Philippines, Huong was also the Executive Secretary / Head of the Central Division and Head of Planning, Network Development, TB Surveillance, and International Cooperation Units, of the Vietnamese National Tuberculosis Control Program. Huong also served as the Country Director for Vietnam for the USAID funded Challenge TB project, and the USAID funded TB CARE I project.
Within KNCV, Huong is the Country Representative Officer Vietnam
Recent publications
- Nguyen HV, Tiemersma EW, Nguyen HB, Cobelens FGJ, Mirtskhulava V, de Haas P et al. The second national tuberculosis prevalence survey in Vietnam. PLoS One. 2020 23;15(4).
- Vo LNQ, Codlin AJ, Forse RJ, Nguyen NT, Levy J et al. Evaluating the yield of systematic screening for tuberculosis among three priority groups in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Infect Dis Poverty. 2020 Dec 9;9(1):166.
- Nguyen Thien Huong. Tuberculosis control in Vietnam: Dose DOTS do it? PhD Thesis, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2007
- Nguyen Thien Huong. The annual risk of tuberculous infection and its trend in three provinces in Vietnam. Mater of Science Dissertation, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, 1998
- Vree M, Huong NT, Duong BD, Co NV, Sy DN, Cobelens FG, Borgdorff MW. High mortality during tuberculosis treatment does not indicate long diagnostic delays in Vietnam: a cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2007 Aug 16;7(147):210.
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