Ineke Huitema
Senior Consultant Education, Training and Capacity Building
Ineke Huitema holds a Master of Science in Health Professions Education and over 35 years of experience providing educational and training support for National TB Programs, NGOs and community-based organisations, advising on health systems strengthening, and coaching and mentoring health staff and managers.
As an Educational Specialist, Ineke is an expert in capacity building, quality of care, patient-centred approaches, community owned initiatives, motivation/retention of staff, stigma reduction interventions and blended e-learning approaches. Ineke was previously the Acting Country Director and TB Laboratory Services Coordinator for KNCV in Nigeria. As acting Country Director, Ineke was responsible for the overall implementation of the USAID-funded Challenge TB project in Nigeria, including the development of annual work plans and budgets, implementation, monitoring, and reporting. As the TB Laboratory Services Coordinator, Ineke supported strengthening of laboratory services in Nigeria to increase TB detection, the introduction of GeneXpert MTB/RIF testing and training local laboratory staff.
Within KNCV, Ineke assists National TB Programs, NGOs and community-based organisations to educate and train their health staff and managers: Supporting the development of education programs, including e-learning modules, face-to-face training packages, virtual workshops and workplace support for health staff and managers. Ineke also develops and facilitates stigma reduction interventions. Internally, Ineke assists in the planning and implementation of new projects, developing the project management architecture, facilitating stakeholder and partner meetings and establishing external and internal communication lines. Ineke also provides technical assistance for educational programs within the Dutch tuberculosis program and works with KNCV’s ‘Health Systems Strengthening’ team with a specific focus on Human Resources for Health and strengthening the health workforce.
Recent Publications
Spruijt, I., Cronin, A., Udeorji, F., Nazir, M. A., Shehu, S. M., Poix, S., Villanueva, A., Jansen, N., Huitema, I., Suurmond, J., & Fiekert, K. (2023). Respected but stigmatized: Healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients. PLOS ONE, 18(7), e0288609. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0288609
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