Ineke Spruijt started as a PhD candidate with KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation in december 2015 (expected PhD graduation late 2020). As a PhD candidate, she studied the implementation of latent tuberculosis infection screening and treatment among high-TB-risk migrant populations in the Netherlands. Ineke now is a TB consultant and epidemiologist with KNCV.
After obtaining her Bachelor and Master’s degree in Health Sciences (specialisation Infectious Diseases and Public Health), Ineke started as a Junior Researcher/Data Manager at the National Institute for Public Health and Environment in the Netherlands.
Recent publications
Spruijt I, Joren C, van den Hof S, Erkens C et al. Tailored approaches facilitate high completion of tuberculosis infection treatment among migrants. Eur Respir J 2021. Preventive Therapy for Persons With HIV Infection: A Randomized Trial. Aug 24. Abstract
Spruijt I, Haile DT, Erkens C, van den Hof S, Goosen S, Ten Kate A, et al. Strategies to reach and motivate migrant communities at high risk for TB to participate in a latent tuberculosis infection screening program: a community-engaged, mixed methods study among Eritreans. BMC Public Health 2020 12;20(1):315. Abstract
Ineke Spruijt, Connie Erkens, Susan van den Hof, Frank Cobelens. Comment: Latent tuberculosis screening and treatment among asylum seekers: a mixed-methods study. Eur Respir J. 2020;55(4) No abstract available
Erkens C, Spruijt I, van den Hof S. et al. Preventing TB among immigrants; aiming for an integrated approach to infectious diseases. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020 Jul 16;164:D4538.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020. PMID: 32757512 Abstract
Spruijt I, Haile DT, van den Hof S, Fiekert K, Jansen N, Jerene D et al. Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and stigma related to latent tuberculosis infection: a qualitative study among Eritreans in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health. 2020 Oct 23;20(1):1602. Abstract
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