iDEFEAT TB Project

Institutional strengthening to support India’s objective to end TB in India.

KNCV is part of a consortium, led by the Union, supporting India’s National Tuberculosis Elimination Program, through technical assistance, capacity building, e-learning, bridging gaps with human resources, and for other critical needs. KNCV is supporting the development of Centers of Excellence, through the creation of a benchmarking and assessment tool, and improving the clinical referrals process. KNCV is also supporting the development of an e-learning platform that would decentralize clinical support and transform conventional training: To provide easy access for all health care workers.

KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.

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