TB Alliance
In three countries, representing different geographical and epidemiological situations, KNCV conducted a situational analysis on acceptability, likelihood of implementation and costing of novel TB regimens (BPaL and BPaMZ), which are under development by the TB Alliance.
KNCV country teams in Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan and a country team from the Yayasan KNCV Indonesia conducted stakeholder interviews through focus group discussions and individual interviews; teams collected both qualitative and quantitative information. The country teams were supported by research and PMDT consultants from KNCV the Hague. Interviews were written and translated, all information was imported in a database and analyzed.
The results of the assessment were shared with the TB Alliance in reports. The BPaL report was shared with WHO, to inform new recommendations regarding the use of BPaL for patients with drug-resistant TB.
Countries: Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria