KNCV Knowledge Institute

The KNCV Knowledge Institute brings together the research and innovation expertise within our network. The Knowledge Institute aims to showcase our track record in research and innovation related to TB-associated health issues, and health systems.

KNCV Knowledge Institute Objectives

The KNCV Knowledge Institute objectives are:

  1. To ensure that KNCV-supported innovations are at the forefront of research and development in the field, with a focus on quality assurance. Any innovations that prove to be effective will be effectively communicated and widely applied across KNCV-supported countries and beyond. This will facilitate national, regional, or global scale, as appropriate.
  2. To formalize relationships with universities and training institutes, to ensure that they are mutually beneficial and promote clear knowledge transfer. This involves consolidating and structuring the KNCV internship and exchange program. This will enhance KNCV’s expertise in TB and related health issues and support the development of future leaders in the field.

To establish KNCV as a reference centre for TB research, innovation, and project implementation, we are undertaking a systematic effort to raise awareness of our existing resources.


KNCV Knowledge Institute expected outcomes by 2025:

  • KNCV-supported research and innovations are easily accessible and visible on the KNCV websites worldwide and in KNCV communications
  • KNCV research network mapped, clearly displayed on KNCV websites worldwide and up to date
  • KNCV alumni network formed and engaged for dissemination and feedback
  • KNCV Knowledge Institute newsletter published at least twice a year and disseminated across KNCV worldwide, the KNCV research network and partners
  • All study protocols are reviewed by the KNCV ERB
  • The proceedings of KNCV ERB meetings are systematically documented
  • A social scientist involved in all qualitative research at KNCV


Meet our experts

We acknowledge that impactful work is not done in isolation, and requires different sets of expertise and local knowledge. KNCV therefore has a large group of technical staff: both based at our headquarters in The Hague and at country level. The skill matrix includes general TB advisors and highly specialized experts. Meet our experts!

Help mee voor een wereld zonder tuberculose

Tuberculose is een infectieziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie, de Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

De meest gestelde vragen over tuberculose:

Wat is tuberculose?

Hoe merk ik dat ik tuberculose heb?

Is tuberculose altijd besmettelijk?

Bestaat er een vaccinatie tegen tuberculose?

Overzicht van alle vragen

Om TBC de wereld uit te krijgen is uw support onmisbaar!


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Deel uw ervaring met tuberculose

Dwalen in verhalen

Wereldwijd sterven elke dag nog ruim 4.000 mensen aan TBC. Onnodig, want tuberculose is te genezen!

Wat wij doen

Over ons

Waar we werken wereldwijd

Voor zorgprofessionals in Nederland

Bij- en nascholing


Ondersteuning van patienten

Bezoek adres

KNCV Tuberculosefonds
Maanweg 174
2516 AB Den Haag
+31 70 416 7222


Post adres

Postbus 146
2501 CC Den Haag


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