
The KNCV-led, USAID-funded Challenge TB East African Regional (CTB EAR) project, running form 2015 to 2019, focused its activities in six African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia Tanzania and Uganda). Examples of the primary technical areas for this project are: Cross border TB control, supporting National TB reference laboratories, building capacity on Childhood TB and creating a Regional Training Corridor.

Furthermore the CTB EAR project facilitated a workshop for the development of the laboratory curriculum on rapid diagnostics at the Supra National Reference Lab (SNRL). A total of 25 SNRL health staff underwent training and will train others in Uganda and other countries utilizing laboratory tools developed for the introduction of New Drugs and Regimens.

KNCV also started a working with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) on cross border TB control in line with the USAID/KEA’s Regional Development Cooperation Strategy 2016-2021. The IGAD is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. KNCV consultants from the project have been providing lose and continued input in the development of the TB component on the IGAD TB, HIV and Malaria Strategic Plan 2018-2025. This strategic plan will guide more consistent and coherent implementation of cross border TB control by CTB EAR in IGAD member states, and align the work of member countries.

In 2019, we concluded the implementation of CTB East Africa Region (EAR) which focused on
supporting IGAD to implement cross- border TB activities. For continuity of the cross-border activities and sustainability, we supported IGAD to prepare an annual Operation plan for the same activities up to September 2020 which was submitted to USAID KE/EA for continued funding. The Dutch directors retired from the board, upon which Kenyan directors were brought on board. This will allow KNCV Kenya to apply for local funding opportunities which are increasingly targeted to local organizations for sustainability/ self-reliance.

Help mee voor een wereld zonder tuberculose

Tuberculose is een infectieziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie, de Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

De meest gestelde vragen over tuberculose:

Wat is tuberculose?

Hoe merk ik dat ik tuberculose heb?

Is tuberculose altijd besmettelijk?

Bestaat er een vaccinatie tegen tuberculose?

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KNCV Tuberculosefonds
Maanweg 174
2516 AB Den Haag
+31 70 416 7222


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2501 CC Den Haag


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