
Ghana is considered one of the high tuberculosis/HIV burden countries. TB occurs here in all age groups, but men of 45 years and older bear the biggest brunt of the TB burden. Ghanaian men are particularly affected, with a male to female ratio of about 2:1.

The People-Centered Framework for National Strategic Plans (NSPs) development project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Development of prioritized NSPs for tailored applications to the Global Fund (GF)) assists nine NTPs in the development of people-centered, optimized, responsive, resilient and evidence-based NSPs using
the people-centered framework for TB programming (PCF).

Active in ten countries (Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam), the PCF promotes better systematic utilization of available data and evidence in planning and program management by examining them following the patient journey along the care continuum (‘cough to cure’). The approach also fosters a greater engagement of a wider relevant stakeholder community (including affected populations, community networks and organizations, relevant non-health sector partners and ministries, etc.) throughout the program cycle through a comprehensive partnership framework aligned to each stakeholder’s comparative advantage.

In 2019 we have started to assist the 9 countries which are all supposed to submit to the GF in windows 1-3 (between March and August 2020).

Help mee voor een wereld zonder tuberculose

Tuberculose is een infectieziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie, de Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

De meest gestelde vragen over tuberculose:

Wat is tuberculose?

Hoe merk ik dat ik tuberculose heb?

Is tuberculose altijd besmettelijk?

Bestaat er een vaccinatie tegen tuberculose?

Overzicht van alle vragen

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Wereldwijd sterven elke dag nog ruim 4.000 mensen aan TBC. Onnodig, want tuberculose is te genezen!

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KNCV Tuberculosefonds
Maanweg 174
2516 AB Den Haag
+31 70 416 7222


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2501 CC Den Haag


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