In 2018, 235.652 TB cases were notified in South Africa, of which 90% has a known HIV status. South Africa accounted for the largest share (61%) of the global total of people newly enrolled in HIV care who were provided with TB preventive treatment – an even higher share than in 2017 (39%).
The TREATS (Tuberculosis Reduction through Expanded Antiretroviral Treatment and Screening for Active TB) project is measuring the success of a ‘universal test and treat’ project called PopART in reducing the prevalence and incidence of TB in Zambia and South Africa. The project is conducted in 21 urban, high prevalence communities in South Africa and Zambia. The two main outputs are:
• Provide definitive evidence of the effectiveness of scaled-up combination TB/HIV prevention interventions on TB;
• Improve understanding of the best ways to measure the impact of public health interventions on TB burden.
The ASCENT (Adherence Support Coalition to End TB) project (July 2019 – Dec 2022) builds on existing evidence, innovations in adherence technology and growing global momentum to implement integrated DAT (digital adherence technology) interventions in five key countries (Ethiopia, the Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, and Ukraine) for all types of TB. The ASCENT project is made possible thanks to Unitaid’s funding and support.
PAVIA (PhArmaco Vigilance Africa) is an EDCTP-funded project led by Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD) with KNCV being one of the key partners. The primary focus of the project is developing local systems and improving safety of new drugs for treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).