
Zambia is one the list of countries with high TB burden, as well as the list of high TB/HIV burden countries. Research shows the numbers of TB incidents are dropping. Zambia is one of the high TB burden countries on track to reach the 2020 milestone of a 20% reduction in the TB incidence rate.

The TREATS (Tuberculosis Reduction through Expanded Antiretroviral Treatment and Screening for Active TB) project is measuring the success of a ‘universal test and treat’ project called PopART in reducing the prevalence and incidence of TB in Zambia and South Africa. The project is conducted in 21 urban, high prevalence communities in South Africa
and Zambia. The two main outputs are:
• Provide definitive evidence of the effectiveness of scaled-up combination TB/HIV prevention interventions on TB;
• Improve understanding of the best ways to measure the impact of public health interventions on TB burden.

KNCV has a leading role in the implementation of the Prevalence Survey. Field work is expected to be completed in Q3 of 2020.

Help mee voor een wereld zonder tuberculose

Tuberculose is een infectieziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie, de Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

De meest gestelde vragen over tuberculose:

Wat is tuberculose?

Hoe merk ik dat ik tuberculose heb?

Is tuberculose altijd besmettelijk?

Bestaat er een vaccinatie tegen tuberculose?

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KNCV Tuberculosefonds
Maanweg 174
2516 AB Den Haag
+31 70 416 7222


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2501 CC Den Haag


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