Mustapha Gidado

Executive Director

Mustapha Gidado is the executive director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and a medical doctor with over 24 years of experience in improving public health outcomes in TB, TB/HIV, multi-drug resistant TB and Leprosy. Mustapha has extensive expertise in program design, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.

Mustapha was previously the global director of the USAID funded Challenge TB Project and the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation’s country representative and director of projects for the Nigeria. As the director of the Challenge TB Project, Mustapha was responsible for delivering the US$500m flagship global project to implement USAID’s TB strategy: collaborating with other national and international initiatives in providing global leadership and support for national TB control efforts.

Mustapha has extensive experience working at all levels of government and with technical and funding partners, including the Global Fund, WHO, and USAID. Mustapha’s competencies include program leadership and management, TB & TB/HIV, programmatic management of drug resistant TB, TB infection control, resource mobilisation and human resource development.

Mustapha is a faculty member/guest lecturer at several Universities in the Netherlands and Nigeria. He is also active in several international TB platforms, discussions, and reviews, including being an observer for over six years at the WHO Strategic Technical Advisory Group for TB.

Recent publications

  1. Mitchell EMH, Adejumo OA, Abdur-Razza H, Ogbudebe C, Gidado M et al. Hybrid Approach to Estimation of Underreporting of Tuberculosis Case Notification in High- Burden Settings With Weak Surveillance Infrastructure: Design and Implementation of an Inventory Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2021 (7)| iss. 3 | e22352.
  2. Onazi O, Adejumo AO, Redwood L, Gidado M, Daniel OJ, Mitchell EMH. et al. Community health care workers in pursuit of TB: Discourses and dilemmas. Soc Sci Med. 2020;246:112756.
  3. Adejumo OA, Olusola-Faleye B, Adepoju VA, Gidado M, Onoh MO, Adegboye O, et al. The pattern of comorbidity and its prevalence among drug-resistant tuberculosis patients at treatment initiation in Lagos, Nigeria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2020;114(6):415-423.


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KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.

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